Contact Form
For your convenience, a standard support form is available below. To help us provide a rapid and accurate response, please complete the form below. Provide as much of the requested information as possible. Please note, that many answers to common questions can be found in the FAQ (located here).

Thank you for your business.

The information that you provide for this form will not be used for any other purpose than to provide you a response for your questions. The information provided is strictly confidential, and will only be used to provide better service to you.

The fields marked with an * are required fields.

Contact TechLiquidators Support at (866) 399-6072 (Toll-free) or (604) 412-1110 (Direct)
102 - 425 W 6th Ave
Vancouver, BC V5Y 1L3

From Canada:
Toll-free: (866) 399-6072
Direct: (604) 412-1110

Mon - Fri 6:30am - 3:00pm PST